Want to make some sense of all of this Political Craziness unfolding around us?
Andie SantoPietro joins Dr. Alexes Hazen on The Dr. Zen Podcast podcast for a discussion around Spirituality and how it is now morphing into our current version of Politics. They discuss the practical ways to apply a 'bigger picture" spiritual understanding to our "real time" evolutionary leap, how we got here and where we are going. If you have a desire to create a much better world, bring an open heart and a mind, and learn how your awareness can be a part of ushering in the big changes that are on their way...
Topics discussed in the episode:
🌀"Bigger Picture" Spirituality to Help Understand Politics
🌀 How Collective Co-creation makes Collective Changes
🌀 Contextualizing HUman Fear in Your Daily Life & Current World
🌀 Discover New Ways of Perceiving that is Bringing Hope, Transcendence & Positivity
🌀 Raise Self-Consciousness and Empower Your Life and HUmanity
Part 1
Part 2
About the Host
Alexes Hazen MD, FACS is a New York City based aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. She specializes in breast surgery, facial reconstruction, face transplant, transgender surgery, and aesthetic surgery including fat grafting and non-invasive techniques. Along with running her new private practice in the Upper East Side, Dr. Hazen is an Associate Professor at the Hansjorg Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery at NYU Langone Medical Center. More Info: https://www.alexeshazenmd.com/