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Money Concerns? It's not what you "do" anymore, but what you "vibrate" to that matters!

Writer: Andie SantoPietroAndie SantoPietro

Conscious Design Magazine- Final Edition/2024

 By Andie SantoPietro

Author: The new 5DHUman



  The Sept. 2024 equinox not only ushered in the beginning of the new fall season but it also served as a turning point when we vibrationally began to pivot into the last quarter of 2024 and further away from the very impactful vibration of the year’s number “8” energy field.


   Traditionally, every year comes with a built in “8/8” numerological sequence (August is the 8th Month and has an 8th Day). This 88 overlap happens in the Western astrology sign of Leo the Lion, thus it was coined the “Lion’s Gate”. We celebrate this 88 portal annually for it is said that it brings with it all of our personal “soul assignments” for the upcoming year.


   In addition, the number 8 resonates to the frequency fields of Authority, Power, and Abundance, making it the number we mostly associate with Wealth. The Lion’s Gate delivers to us every year a double dose of the 8’s (8/8) as it also doubles down on the frequency of Abundance, giving us an opportunity to course correct and make shifts and changes around how we are engaging or repelling our relationship with abundance.  


   But this year’s 2024 Lion’s Gate acted differently, more like an abundance portal on steroids for it brought with it the additional number 8 frequency of the universal year 2+0+2+4!  This gave us a powerful confluence of triple 888’s which peaked in torque during the August 8th yearly portal.


   Although this cycle does repeat itself every 12 years, this triple 888 sequence was the first-time that it appeared during our planet’s deeply profound rise of the Divine Feminine energy. Most of the prior triple 8 sequences were rooted in the old 3D Masculine paradigm. Often filtered through the lens of aggression, greed, power and control, money - instead of remaining just a form of currency became a tool that deeply shaped our feelings of self-worth, empowerment, and financial autonomy. This 3D conundrum especially impacted those who are more identified as being Spiritual, part of the Lightworker community, as well as those here in service. In turn, we, (both men and women) experienced our relationship to Money and Power through this limiting, 3D patriarchal lens.  


   Through this old vibrational filter, money, and our relationship to it, became stressful, strained at best, and somewhat of an enigma on how to attain or attract it. But the powerful frequency of the triple 888’s of 2024 brought with it a vibrational sea change, specifically regarding abundance, for all men and women who now choose to vibrate to a different reality and a new, kinder, 5D Divine Feminine paradigm[AS1] .


   And if you are wondering, no, you did not miss this opportunity to shift your money consciousness through the triple 8’s, Lion’s Gate portal! It will continue to remain strong, accessible and reverberate as a potential game changer on the planet for the next several months.


   With 100 days or so to go, this year is still ripe for the pickings to begin  your journey into shifting your consciousness and perspectives about the new relationship that you can have with both Wealth & Abundance. It is a great last pass opportunity to pivot into this next 12-year cycle, before we enter the incoming energies of the “9” year in January. 2025 will bring a tsunami of unprecedented changes, opportunities for closure and grand circumstances for letting go of all the old ways of thinking, belief systems and oppressive limitations that have held us captive in a plethora of no-gain, 3D survival programs.


   For the remainder of this year (and forward) use your inner Light to lead the way and usher in your brand-new 5D world. In the process, you will be holding the door open for many others who are trying to find their way also through the darkness of the old, outdated rising 3D Shadow.  For starters, break the debilitating 3D habit of feeling insignificant. Become aware of the ways you look away from truth and feign powerlessness. Confront stifling non-truths that tell you that you are not a higher-frequency player who carries spiritual clout or can make a difference. Look at everything squarely in its 3D face both in the wider world and in your personal life. Trust that in even the worst circumstances, something higher is trying to break through — that is, if you are brave enough to let it. Hold the space for this new world order to crystallize and become the dominant norm. This is what you came here to do. So do it. 


   You don’t need to have a Feng Shui or Healing Practice, a crystal ball, or the skill of Jesus to multiply loaves of bread. Know that you have everything you need within your heart for instantaneous change on a cellular level. You can be a banker, computer programmer, or punch tickets for rides at an amusement park. You can be homeless, park cars in a garage, or sell hots dogs from a pushcart. You don’t have to be employed, have children, or a traditional degree or title.



What is in a Your Vibration's Message? 

This edict is going to come as a shock to many. Things that our egos were once very attached to in our prior dimension are going out with the 3D tide. The only thing that will be significant going forward is how you vibrate via your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Are you attuned to the wisdom of your sense perceptions? If you chose to, you won’t have to speak a word in 5D to do what you are here to do you just need to remember to Vibrate to a higher Frequency of Thought, Love, and Light. Done. Mic Drop. 😊


Your vibration is composed of many things, including how open your heart is, the degree of your “True Compassion” for the HUman struggle, the amount of God-Light that you carry and your willingness to trust yourself, stay awake, and show up. The Universe will place you exactly where your vibration wants you to be. Sometimes that means you are in your car, listening to music, waiting for the Light to change when another car pulls up behind you or someone passes in front of you in the crosswalk. That is it. Other times, it might mean that you walk into a coffee shop and smile at the barista as you order your latte or throw your garbage out and someone walks down your street near you. That’s it.


Often our vibration is called upon to be in an exact place at a specific moment in time—although no words or eye contact will ever be exchanged between the two parties involved or the surrounding environment. The energy field of those we pass on the street or ride in an elevator with are all influenced by our vibrational frequency, and we by theirs. Just by being in relatively close proximity (or miles apart across the continent) the contract is completed.

In 5D, our service contracts are often soul contracts and not Karmic contracts anymore. They are diverse as they are creative. Often more subtle and effortless, they can frequently appear benign. 5D will start teaching us a more powerful way of impacting and creating through the feminine energy field of “being.” And with that - this 2024 year is acting as a conduit bringing the energy codes that will help us find a new understanding, as well as approaches to creating a different relationship with money based on the Divine Feminine flow.


   How many times did you pray, meditate, cry, or explode in an angry “chant” of “Why do these issues keep happening to me?or “How come I can never get ahead? “Will these false starts and disappointments ever end?


Try to remember that there is a ‘bigger picture” at play. Our 5D Ascension out of 3D can create a lot of stress for the physical, emotional and financial energy fields in your bodies. Every aspect of your being is in the process of being reworked or rearranged. When you restructure something that has been intact, not just in one lifetime, but in hundreds of lifetimes, you are deconstructing aspects of your system that have been hard-wired into your 3D existence. Making these shifts at first creates a whole lot of upheaval, excavation, and Feng Shui-ing!


   We are all 5D newbies learning these life skills for the first time. Confusingly, as adult-sized HUman newborns we are learning to walk before ever having the opportunity to learn to crawl first. Still unlearning our hardwired 3D programming, the new ways of managing our emotions, opening our hearts and minds, and navigating the change of paradigms are not yet familiar. We are waking up to more aspects of our souls’ original blueprints, and along with these, an understanding of our new, multidimensional existence. 


And you were wondering why you are always feeling tired? Can you pause for a moment and take in how much work you have done and how much you have personally and globally accomplished lifetime after lifetime? Exhausted? Worn out? Confused? Frustrated? Sometimes at your wit’s end? You should be! This was nothing short of amazing, all while done not consciously remembering why. By placing one foot in front of the other as if you were traversing a desert while continually being confronted with a vibrational sandstorm, you made this possible. You are one of the unsung heroes who just kept going no matter what. So don’t slow down now. Use the rest of this year to shake off the dross, shift your perspective and be ready to hit the ground running for 2025!

 Resonance is the new Gig.

"Soul Assignments" are Your Resume's Experience.


Read More: The new 5D HUman

Contact: Andie for Private Coaching Sessions/Webinars/Blogs/Mail List



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