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What is Feng Shui Design? 
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Feng Shui Expert/Author
Psycho-Spiritual Therapist/Healer

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                           Andie's  Feng Shui Mentor/Spiritual  Teacher -
H.H. GrandMaster Lin Yun Rinpoche

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Best Seller!

Feng Shui (feng shway) is a Spiritual and Energy based design approach to creating Home and Business environments that are balanced, aligned, and conducive to creating Optimal Health, Effortless Prosperity, Happy Relationships, and an overall sense of Peace
Often referred to as "Acupuncture for the Home", a Feng Shui Consultation assesses the energetic relationship between the occupants and the physical environment that they either live, work or conduct business in.
Contrary to traditional Interior Design principles that mainly are based in aesthetics, Feng Shui addresses the unseen interplay of energy (Chi) between ones soul & space and evaluates how the environment's layout and design is impacting everything in one's life - from Relationships, Family Issues and Health to Finances, Career Opportunities and Levels of Success, either for better or for worse.
Floor plan layouts, room positioning, exterior elements such as wind and sun directions, interior factors including front door location, slanted walls, amount of windows, bed, desk, and stove placements, etc. are all analyzed and specifically placed adjustment items such as Crystals, Mirrors, Wind Chimes, Plants, Colors & Furniture Positioning, etc. are then suggested to either enhance and/or suppress the environments Chi flow needs or imbalances. 

Andie blends four decades of honed skills as a Psycho-Spiritual Therapist with advanced gifts as a Channeler & Intuit, along with 25 years experience as an Internationally Acclaimed BTB Feng Shui Expert, Teacher, & Author of two Best Selling Books published in several languages -

"Feng Shui: Harmony by Design" and "Feng Shui & Health: The Anatomy of a Home." Andie also wrote and narrated a Chakra Color Breathing Meditation CD (12 tracks) titled: "Praying In Color".

Feng Shui Business/Office Consulting

for the Spiritually Minded Entrepreneur,
Business Owner, CEO & Employee! 
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Best Seller!

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"Praying In Color"
12 Chakra Color Breathing Meditations

   30 +Years


Are you a "Conscious Business Owner" ?

Many Spiritually evolved individuals are quickly rising up in the business world, stepping into significant positions - either working for a company or more often for themselves.  As our personal values shift and expand, so does the way we once thought about making money, choosing financial investments, running a business, and our ideas about what success "should" encompass.

As our Consciousness grows. so does the need to upgrade from our old, learned outgrown approaches to making money to a Place of Inspiration (not fear), from a Belief in Universal Abundance (not scarcity), and on a Foundation that Supports the Greater Whole (Employees, the Environment, Owners & HUmanity).


 A Feng Shui Consultation for Your Business, Career, or Work aligns your Physical Space, Energy Flow with Your Intentions, Creativity, Profitability and Growth.


This is the new 5D Energy based

Business Paradigm!

Photography/Website/Contents Designed w/Love & Light By Andie SantoPietro  © 2022

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